Analysis of Mud Crab Supply Chain in Sorong City
Sorong City is located within an economic growth center in the easternmost region of Indonesia and holds significant geo-economic potential, particularly in the field of crab farming, including mangrove crabs. This research aims, among other things, to understand the methods and techniques of capturing mangrove crabs by fishermen in three neighborhoods: Kladufu, Remu Selatan, and Klawasi in Sorong City. Additionally, the study analyzes the supply chain system of mangrove crab catches, from fishermen to traders or collectors. The research employs a descriptive method and supply chain analysis, with a total of 69 respondents consisting of fishermen, traders, and collectors.
The research results indicate that the primary tool used for catching mangrove crabs is crab traps (bubu), covering fishing grounds from the waters of Sorong City to those of Sorong Regency. The supply chain analysis reveals the involvement of five marketing entities: fishermen, large-scale traders, collectors, small-scale vendors, and consumers. In the distribution network, Kelurahan Kladufu has three channels, Kelurahan Klamana has two, and Kelurahan Remu Selatan has two as well.
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