Concentration of Pelawan Honey with Different Gender Ratio Gapi Fish (Poecilia reticulata)

  • Dwi Rosalina Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Bone
  • Depika Amelisa Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Bone
Keywords: genetika direction, gapi fish, contrarian honey


The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of different concentrations of fish honey on the male ratio of Gapi Fish. This study used experimental method with experimental design using Complete RandomIzed Design (RAL). In this study there were the first four treatments of concentration without pelawan honey (0 ml / liter) as control, the 2nd treatment (honey concentration 55 ml / liter), the 3rd treatment (honey concentration 60 ml / liter), and the 4th (honey concentration 65 ml / liter). Each treatment is repeated 3 times. Each treatment consists of 3 parent Gapi Fish so that the total number of brood as test fish is 12 heads. Research has yielded that different concentrations of contrarian honey have a real effect on male ratios. Gapi fish and optimum concentration for genital briefing Gapi fish is 60 ml / l honey / liter of media. So that for optimization of monosex production of gapi fish males can be done using pelawan honey with a concentration of 60 ml / l in order to increase profit in gapi fish cultivation.


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How to Cite
Rosalina, D., & Amelisa, D. (2020). Concentration of Pelawan Honey with Different Gender Ratio Gapi Fish (Poecilia reticulata). Jurnal Airaha, 9(02), 202 - 208.